

Everyone has a morning routine.  You know, the little things they do before they leave for the day.  I think most people don’t really think about what they do to get ready.  Take a shower, brush your your hair, eat breakfast . . .stuff like that.  It’s probably not a bother for most people.  It’s a bit annoying for me, though.

As you know, I am hard of hearing, so part of my morning routine involves putting both of my hearing aids in.  This in and of itself, doesn’t take very long and is really pretty easy.  However, I also wear contacts, so I have to put these in as well.  Add this to taking a shower, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, putting jewelry on, making my lunch, and such . . .it takes awhile.

If it’s really late at night, I sometimes grumble to myself about all the things I have to take off or put away before I can go to sleep. Take the contacts out and put them in their cleaning case.  Put my glasses on.  Take my hearing aids off and put them in their case. Put my PJs on.  It’s a pain sometimes.  Especially when it doesn’t take nearly as long for my fiance to get ready for bed.  It must be so nice to be able to go to bed without having to take contacts and hearing aids out.

It is what it is I guess.  I’m not really complaining exactly, it is just something I noticed and felt like writing about.

About ewindheim

My name is Erin. I am 28 years old, and I live in Colorado. I love to write and to read, and I am a huge cat lover. I have always loved to write, hence why I have a blog. If you want to know more about me, read my blogs or simply ask. ;)
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2 Responses to Routines

  1. I have said the same thing. I can’t just crash on the couch and fall asleep. I need to drag myself up and take my contacts out and hearing aid in the case. Not big deals but some days you just notice it more.

  2. eesreilly says:

    Very true. I mostly notice it when it’s really late and all I want to do is go to bed.

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